Limited Offer! One Month CSA Farm Share for an Awesome Price!

Celebrate a new YOU this January.

Imagine a CSA box of fresh, organic vegetables every week in January to help kick off your healthy lifestyle! PLUS a cooking class of your choice to help you learn how to prepare, use and store the vegetables.

$50 enrollment fee WAIVED!!!


Tons of delivery and pickup options available.

CSA Trial

Organic vegetables have many proven benefits:

They load your body with vitamins, nutrients and fiber to help fight disease, build your immune system and aid in weight loss.

You’ll get younger looking skin. Vegetables fight ageing, hydrate your skin and keep it supple because of phytonutrients.

According to Dr. Mercola, “A vegetable-rich diet can help protect you from arthritis, heart disease, stroke, dementia, cancer, and can even help slow down your body’s aging process.

“A recent study found that people who consume seven or more portions of vegetables and fruit a day have a 42 percent lower risk of dying from any cause, compared to those who eat less than one portion—and vegetables have the greatest impact.1

They keep your bones strong and healthy. Did you know, vegetables contain highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium?

They’ve got lots of protein! Yes! Vegetables have protein! This chart within the cookbook, Plant-Protein Power, by Dawn Hutchins, shows plants have protein – including vegetables like broccoli and kale!

Plant Based Protein from Florida Coastal Cooking


Tons of delivery and pickup options available!

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